
How do you disinfect a dental unit?

How do you disinfect a dental unit?

How do you disinfect a dental unit? We have compiled the information we provide to Hospitalium customers before and after Covid-19 for you. Disinfection of the following elements should be considered:

Process water: Recent researches have shown that the dental cooling and heating system can be colonized by different pathogens and bacteria. Water stagnation at night or insufficient cleaning of central descaling systems causes the growth of algae or microorganisms, such as fungi, which subsequently form a biofilm. There are various water disinfection techniques, such as the use of UV power to destroy bacteria and prevent biofilm growth, or automated cleaning and disinfection systems that purify water with specially designed products that are permanently dispersed at low doses.

Chair: all patients sit in it and therefore may be splashed with blood, saliva and other bodily fluids during routine dental care. If the seat is not properly disinfected, patients and caregivers may be exposed to all kinds of microorganisms such as herpes viruses, HIV, hepatitis B and C, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. The dental unit can also be exposed to parasites such as lice or bedbugs. For this reason, it is very important to disinfect it with appropriate products after each use.

How do you disinfect a dental unit?
How do you disinfect a dental unit?

Surfaces: Antibacterial coatings can be effective on the metal surfaces of the dental unit to limit the growth of bacteria. All surfaces should be cleaned with disinfectant. Some manufacturers offer dental units that automatically adjust the position of the chair or the position of the instruments, thus avoiding as much contact with the hands as possible and reducing the risk of.

How do you sterilize a Dental Unit?

1. Procedures are rarely completed properly, especially rinsing, which negatively affects the value of the process.

2. Cleaning, wiping, and treatment with a chemical disinfectant tends to break down the mattress surface material, making it more porous and increasing the likelihood of bodily fluids entering the mattress core.

How do you sterilize a Dental Unit?

3. The problem is compounded by the time it takes to properly clean and sanitize a mattress using a chemical treatment. It is rarely done right. An improperly sterilized mattress surface and underlying mattress core can be a source of cross-contamination by passing pathogens from the person in the previous bed to the next patient using the mattress.

Hospitallium, Turkey’s leading manufacturer of dental units, clinical equipment and dental furniture, increases its R&D investment every year. Hospitallium, a Turkish manufacturer, exports dental units, clinical cabinets, dental equipment to all over the world directly from the factory. If you are looking for dental equipment, please contact us.

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