What Is Important When Choosing A Dentist Chair? Let us guide you about which features you need to look before you would like to buy a dentist chair. The words dental unit, dental chair and dentist chair can be confused. We will use all definitions in this article.
Buying a new dental unit for patients can be confusing. You need to be looking for a dental unit that is made to be durable comfortable, and long-lasting for both the dentist and the patient. so What Is Important When Choosing A Dentist Chair?
Selecting the right dental unit means paying attention to the various features of the dental unit. For example, is it durable? Is it easy to position? Any scratch resistant? These are just some important points to consider. Here are some other important factors to consider:
1) Stability
Stability needs will depend on the type of materials we use. However, stability is important as it requires you to have access to the patient’s oral cavity.
The unit base plate is an important feature for stability. It should have a large enough footboard. Iron baseplates are more rigid than aluminum baseplates. When it is hit or bumped, the sound and vibration are less.
Choosing A Dentist Chair?
2) Dent, Scratch and Corrosion Resistance
Is the bottom plate of the unit resistant to dents, scratches and corrosion? Since the bottom plate of the unit will often be disinfected with chemicals, the polish should not be easily scratched or shatter-proof.
Choosing A Dentist Chair?

3) Movement and Feel
The mobility of the chair is extremely important. As a result, movement is a major problem for patients’ comfort. Try sitting in a chair and shaking it to detect jolting movements when starting or stopping. The chair must be resistant to all maneuvers.
Choosing A Dental Chair?
A well-designed unit have to support the patient’s body for a relaxing and chilling experience. For example, can the footboard lift the legs while bending over to raise them? Chair feel is important for patients to feel comfortable and relaxed throughout the dental procedure.
4) Easy Positioning
Positioning is crucial for patient comfort and proper oral cavity access. For example, the headrest should be able to automatically track the patient’s movement when the headrest is raised or lowered. A dental unit with ergonomic headrests will make your job easier.
The back have to be flexible. A very thin yet sturdy backrest gives you more legroom for treatment and easy positioning.
5) Durability and Longevity
Finally, the dental chair you choose have to be long-lasting. Do not work with companies that do not provide warranty support. As Hospitallium, we offer a 2-year warranty and a 5-year spare parts support warranty. Please contact us for detailed information.
Choosing A Dentist Chair?
When choosing the right dental chair, focus on its stability, resistance to imperfections, movement and feel, positioning mechanisms and longevity. All these factors provide a smooth, effortless and efficient dental procedure while providing a more comfortable experience for both the patient and the dentist. We hope you found an answer for Choosing A Dentist Chair? question.
Hospitallium has been Turkey’s leading manufacturer of dental chairs and hospital furniture since 2005.
If you are looking for the best dental chair supplier in Turkey, look no further than Hospitallium Hospital Furnitures.